Explore what experts, partners, and industry professionals have to say about using Insect Shield bug repellent clothing and gear in the real world.
"If you're going to be spending any time outdoors I tell people to get their clothing treated by Insect Shield."
“More than 3,000 miles and 200 nights trekking across 18 states on the Appalachian and American Discover Trails without finding a single tick on me. Are my Insect Shield products tested and proven? Check.”
“We were probably the only team out there in the World Championships that did not come back looking like we had the measles from mosquito bites… we slept soundly in the middle of mosquito infested jungles with nothing but the Insect Shield® clothes we had on…”
- Jason Magness

"Spending time outdoors, something I do every day, carries risk. One risk is biting insects. Most are just annoying and don’t carry serious diseases. However, some can be downright lethal. Ticks fit into the lethal category. Ticks can carry serious diseases. This is why it’s so important to dress properly. I have personally field tested Insect Shield in order to stay protected. It works! Within minutes deer ticks and their larvae - drop right off after hooking on. In fact, during the spring, summer and fall months – Insect Shield pants are the only ones that I wear while working in the woods."
- Stuart Bevin, Owner
"I have been working as a forester in the woods of the Piedmont of NC since 1979. Ticks and mosquitoes have always been a problem and a nuisance. I have had tick fever twice, and battled numerous occurrences of chiggers and biting deer flies. For the past four years I have been wearing treated Insect Shield clothing. I can honestly report that my problems with ticks, mosquitoes, and chiggers are now nearly non-existent. Insect Shield clothing has made my job much more enjoyable and has probably added a few years to my career! Many thanks to the helpful staff at Insect Shield!"
-Dave Henderson, Member